Strategic Planning


September 20, 2018

Dear Colleagues,

I would like to give you a quick update for this academic year. Work plans for 2018-19 were recently approved. Funding has been distributed to Goal leaders for implementation this academic year according to Goal priorities. If you were not able to attend the State of the University Address where I provided additional information on the progress and future plans at DSU, you can view it here.



May 7, 2018

Dear Colleagues,

On Tuesday, April 17 we held our annual 2018 Dixie Strategic Plan Spring Report Out. Board of Trustee members including Chair David Clark and 70 + individuals from across campus attended. At this year’s Third Annual Report-Out, Goal and Implementation Leaders reported on the great progress that has been made this year as well as plans for the coming year. I am amazed of the progress that continues to be made and proud of the accomplishments attained. Thank you to all who attended and who continue to work tirelessly to make the Dixie 2020 Strategic Plan what is today.

If you would like to view the 2018 Spring Report-Out presentation.

Again, I would like to thank all who attended, as well as the many different entities across campus who continue to work diligently in bringing the Dixie 2020 Strategic Plan to full fruition.



May 3, 2017

Dear Colleagues,

On Tuesday, April 18 approximately 60 individuals across campus, as well as Board of Trustee members, including Chair David Clark, attended the 2017 Dixie 2020 Strategic Plan Spring Report-Out. During the Second Annual Report-Out, Goal and Implementation Leaders reported on the terrific progress that has been made thus far this year. I am proud to announce that even more work has been completed this year than last.

Go here if you would like to view the 2017 Spring Report-Out final presentation.

I would like to thank all who attended, as well as the many different entities across campus who continue to work diligently in bringing the Dixie 2020 Strategic Plan to full fruition.



February 13, 2017

Dear Colleagues,

I recently reviewed all the 2017 Mid-Year Reports and it is evident that tremendous progress is being made. I greatly appreciate your dedication and hard-work in the continuation of implementing our 2020 Strategic Plan. A few items I would like to highlight are:

  • An Interim Student Success Director has been hired;
  • Applied Sociology and Bioinformatics degrees are expected to be approved by the Board of Regents in March 2017;
  • Innovation Plaza will be the name of the East Elementary School property;
  • Faculty and Staff hiring guidelines have been revised as part of the updated 305 Policy;
  • Recruiting efforts of minority and underrepresented students has increased in a concerted, organized manner;
  • A Distance Learning Director has been hired;
  • Implementing diversity advocates for hiring committees has proven to be an effective resource – 30 volunteers across campus were selected and trained in September 2016;
  • Mascot, Brooks the Bison, has been introduced to campus and community;
  • University Marketing and Communications Department has established a comprehensive marketing plan, as well as a Master Calendar.

I am looking forward to the upcoming Report-Out meeting that will take place on April 18th – Goal and Strategy leaders will provide additional information on the progress they have made thus far, as well as additional plans they have for the future.



March 2, 2016

Dear colleagues –

In one of my recent campus updates I provided a strategic plan update.  I shared that implementation teams submitted mid-year updates in December 2015 and are working across the board to accomplish university objectives.  A few of the items I mentioned included:

  • A focus on student success and recruiting with the hiring of a northern Utah and southern California recruiter, efforts being made to improve students’ first-year experience, and the imminent hiring of a Director of Student Success;
  • Expanded academic programs including more online offerings with the hiring of a Director of Online Learning later this spring;
  • HR has been working on putting together a multi-year compensation plan that will address faculty and staff equity dependent upon enrollment growth funding;
  • Expanded professional development opportunities for faculty and staff;
  • A soon to be finalized new mascot and brand for the university as approved by the identity committee later this spring.

I am looking forward to the Report Out meeting on April 19 where strategic plan Goal and Strategy Leaders will share the progress they have made this year as well as plans they have for the future.



April 29, 2015

PDF of Strategic Plan Outline

PDF of entire Strategic Planning document (mission, vision, values, goals, objectives and strategies)

November 13, 2014

Dear Colleagues,

I wanted to write and provide you an update as to the strategic planning process for Dixie State University. In August a request for proposal for strategic planning consultants was initiated. We received nine (9) excellent proposals which were vetted by my cabinet. The pool was narrowed to three qualified finalists, all of which were invited to campus for an interview. An interview committee was created and consisted of the following individuals:

  • Jason Boothe: Athletic Director
  • Andrea Brown: President Elect – Exempt Staff Association
  • Bill Christensen: Executive Vice President
  • Christina Durham: Chair- Board of Trustees
  • Jack Freeman: President- Classified Staff Association
  • Brad Last: Vice President- Institutional Advancement and Development
  • Greg Layton: President- Student Government
  • Frank Lojko: Vice President- Student Services
  • Paul Morris: Vice President- Administrative Services
  • Nate Staheli: President- Faculty Senate
  • Biff Williams: President

This committee interviewed all three candidates and ranked the three finalists. The scores were then sent to Jackie Freeman and the bidding process was completed. I want to thank the committee for their time and commitment to this process. They were professional and asked great questions.

I am pleased to announce that the firm that was selected through the bidding process was Penson Associates Inc. We are excited about this wonderful opportunity. Penson Associates Inc. is a research and consultant firm that has a lot of experience in strategic planning and a cadre of consultants whose experience and knowledge are impressive. Penson Associates Inc. has also partnered with the American Association of State Colleges and Universities to form the AASCU-Penson Center for Professional Development. This partnership will also be an added benefit to Dixie State University as we create our new strategic plan. The Penson Senior Associate that will be leading our strategic planning process is Dr. John D. Welty.


Headshot - Moore

Dr. John D. Welty


Dr. John D. Welty is President Emeritus of California State University, Fresno (Fresno State) where he served as President from 1991-2013. Earlier, he was President of Indiana University of Pennsylvania for seven years where he also served as Vice President for Student and University Affairs. Prior experiences include Associate Dean of Students/Director of Residence Life at SUNY-Albany, Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs at Southwest Minnesota State University, and Admissions Counselor at Michigan State University.


Known nationally for his leadership in higher education, Dr. Welty has Chaired the American Association of State Colleges and Universities, the Renaissance Group, American Humanics, Inc., Cal State Online Advisory Board, and the Western Association of Schools and Colleges Senior Accrediting Commission. He served on the Board of Directors of the Association of Public and Land Grant Universities, the Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities, the Urban Serving Universities, the NCAA, and the California Campus Compact. He helped establish the Voluntary System of Accountability and twice was a member of the leadership team to create a strategic plan for the California State University System. He has also lead private fundraising efforts, created community service and service learning programs, and is a frequent speaker on the engaged university.

In his community, Dr. Welty was one of the founders of the Fresno Business Council and the Central Valley Higher Education Consortium. He also served on the boards of the Fresno Chamber of Commerce, the Economic Development Corporation, the Fresno Compact, the Maddy Institute of Public Affairs, the Community Hospital, the Regional Jobs Initiative, the Collaborative Regional Initiative, and the Great Valley Center. Currently, he serves as founding chair of the California Health Sciences University and is a member of the California Healthcare Foundation Board. He received an honorary doctorate from Western Illinois University, the Chief Executive Leadership Award from CASE, the Fresno Business Council’s Excellence in Public Service Award, the Sequoia Award from the Great Valley Center, and the William Lyles Vision Award for his contributions to entrepreneurial education in Central California.
Among his areas of consulting interest are strategic planning and organizational alignment, presidential appraisal and development, fund raising and external relationships, leadership coaching and team building, and University-community engagement.

Dr. Welty has an Ed.D. from Indiana University, MA from Michigan State University, and BA from Western Illinois University

As for next steps I would like to briefly summarize the process. There are eight (8) steps to this process that will be completed by July 1, 2015. The steps are as follows:

  1. Prepare
  2. Host Town Hall Meetings
  3. Conduct Research
  4. Reaffirm/Refine Core Values, Vision, Mission and Formulate Strategic Position, Goals
  5. Develop the Desired Outcomes
  6. Formulate Strategies
  7. Develop the Implementation Plan
  8. Review/Complete the Strategic Plan

Within each step there are several activities that will take place. As the process matures I will send out further details of each step. The first step will begin on November 19-21, 2014 when Dr. Welty will be on our campus to meet with me and my cabinet to learn about our university. He will also meet with the Board of Trustees on the 21st since they will be meeting at that time. The second step will begin in early December with the first all-campus Town Hall meeting occurring on December 4, 2015. The time and location of this meeting will be finalized and sent to you in the next few days. It is our hope that as many of you will participate as possible. If you can’t make it for the first meeting there will be other opportunities to participate.

This is a very exciting time for our university. As I have said many times before, this will be one of the most important strategic plans in our history, as it is the strategic plan that shapes us as the newest university in the state of Utah. I need your help and we need your ideas and feedback. We will be creating a strategic planning committee that will assist the consultant with drafting the strategic plan for all of our review. This committee will be a working committee in that the strategic consultant will give assignments and homework to help create the plan. Dr. Welty has asked that this committee be small (8-14 people) and functional. I am working with the university leaders (Senate, Staff Councils, Vice-Presidents) to identify those that should serve on this committee. Again, the purpose of this committee will be to help craft the plan that “we” create. Everyone on this campus needs to be involved. I hope that you will let your voice be heard and that you will participate in the many activities that will shape our new plan.

After our initial planning meeting next week we will create a strategic planning web site so that you can access our progress at all times. It is my hope that this will be a very collaborative and transparent process.

Thank you for all you do for Dixie State University! We are Dixie!

